vendredi 3 juin 2011
Amazigh Names for Boys
Amazigh Names for Boys
Afra: Peace
Afulay: Apuleius, Berber writer (died around 180 AD). Author of the novel The Golden ***.
Agafay: Named for a locality. Region of Morocco known for the beauty of its women
Agerzam: Cheetah (hunting leopard)
Aghbalu: Spring (source)
Aghilas: Leopard, Panther, the big cat
Agizul: Brave, courageous
Agwectim: Named for a locality
Agwilal: Stork (male)
Agwillul: Named for an ethnicity
Agwmar: Stallion
Aheyyâd: Artist, wanderer
Ajeddig: Flower
Akensus: Named for an ethnicity
Akersim: Caracal (Desert Lynx)
Aksim: Named for an ethnicity
Amalu: Shadow, shade
Amanar: Orion (the constellation)
Amaynu: New, innovator
Amayyas: Cheetah (hunting leopard)
Amazigh: Freeman (the Berber)
Amazzal: Dedicated, devoted, emissary
Amenzu: The first one, the oldest
Ameqran: Eldest
Amesggin: Named for an ethnicity
Amessan: Learned one, wise
Amestan: Protector, defender
Amezwar: Leader, guide
Amêzyan: Middle child, youngest
Amnay: Rider
Amzîn: Middle child, youngest
Anamar: Happy, blessed
Anaruz: Hope
Anazâr: Challenge, defiant one, rebel, daring
Anebdad :Pillar, support
Angad: Named for a locality (Ujda region, Morocco)
Anir: Angel
Antalas: Amazigh chief (of today’s Tunisia) who led a rebellion against Justinian I, the Byzantine Emperor. Killed in battle in 547 AD.
Asafar: Remedy
Asafu: Torch
Asfru: The poem, the ode
Aslal: Honey Light
Asmun: Companion
Asulil: Rock
Atbir: Dove
Atrar: Modern
Awreb: Thus the Aureba, Berber tribe mentioned by Ibn Khaldun
Awsim: Gazelle’s fawn
Awzal: Named for an ethnicity
Aylal: Bird
Aylimas: Amazigh king whose authority reached Eastern Numidia
Ayrad: Lion (see "Irat")
Ayyur: Moon
Azayku: Ancestral, of the ancestors, ancient one,
Azêllay: Pendant
Azenkwed: The gazelle (male)
Azenzêr: Sunray, Sunshine
Azerwal: The man with blue eyes
Aziki: Named for an ethnicity
Aznag: Descendant of Iznagen (id: Ibn Khaldoun)
Azrur: Handsome
Azûlay: The man with nice eyes
Badis: Name of several Amazigh kings, the most notable was Badis " the Hammadit "
Bukkus: King of Mauretania (about 110 B.C.), and father-inlaw of Yugerten (Jugurtha)
Cucunq / Cicungh: Mentioned in the Bible as Sheshonq I, Amazigh king of Libya, founder of the XXII dynasty. According to some sources he ruled over Egypt from 950 to 929 BC.
Gaya: Amazigh king, died around 208 BC. Father of Massinissa, Son of Zelalsan and brother of Ulzasen
Gulusa: Son of Massinissa and father of Massiwa
Gwafa: Son of the Summit
Gwasila: Son of the Plain
Idder: Alive, lively
Idir: Alive, lively
Idus: The mighty, the strong
Igider: The Eagle
Ikken Common name, meaning unknown
Ilatig Worthy
Ilayetmas He has brothers
Irat Lion (see "ayrad")
Isul Alive, lively
Itri Star
Izdârasen The mighty, the strong
Izem Lion
Izemrasen The mighty, the strong
Izîl The sublime, the magnificent
Izri Common name, unknown origin
Masinissa Also Massinissa, Latin form of Massensen, Berber king (202-148 BC)
Mass Term of respect such as Sir
Massensen Masinissa
Massin Nickname for Massinissa
Maysar Water bearer who became chief of the Ghomara, Berghwata and Miknasa tribes’ coalition and lead a rebellion against Arab authority around 740 AD
Meddur Alive, lively
Mennad Common name, unknown origin
Merin Founder of the Merinides dynasty
Misibsen Also Micipsa. King of Numidia (148-118), son of Massensen (Masinissa) and Yugerten (Jugurtha)’s uncle whom he adopted
Munatas Gather around him
Saden Ayt Saden’s tribe
Sifaks Syphax, king of Western Numidia, defeated by Massinissa in 203 BC. Died in Rome in 202 BC,
Tacfin Father of the Almoravide Berber king, Yussuf ben Tashafin
Takfarinas Former Roman legion soldier, who lead a large rebellion (17 - 24 BC).
Tanan Named for an ethnicity
Udad Ram
Ugwistan St. Augustine, Bishop of Hippo (396), the most famous of Christian writers.
Uksintas Yugerten’s son (Jugurtha). Better known as Oxyntas
Usaden Named for a locality
Usem Lightning
Usus Named for a locality
Wimmiden Ours, belongs to all
Winaruz Hope
Winifsan Blooming
Winitran From the stars
Winsen Theirs
Wiwul Of the heart
Wiwurgh Golden
Yani Kabyle tribe from At Yani
Yattuy The tall one
Yuba Name of several Berber kings
Yufayyur Handsomer than the moon
Yufitran Handsomer that the stars
Yufitri Handsomer than a star
Yuften The best, superior
Yugerten Greater than them, the greatest. The origin of the name Jugurtha, king of the Berbers (118 to 105 BC) who fought the Roman armies. He died in a roman jail in 104 BC.
Ziri Moonlight (masculine)
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